It is an agricultural fabric with very similar features in comparison to shading net. This fabric is made up with monofilament yarns on the warp and raffia tape on the weft, all of them produced with HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)

Mesh Anti Hail Net

Antipiedra / Antihail / Hagelnet / Rete Antigrandine / Leno Fabric

Malla Antigranizo

RabitaHail 5×4

Malla Antigranizo

RabitaHail 2,5×3


It is the agrotextil mainly used to protect fruit orchards against atmospheric phenomenas such  as hail and heavy rainfalls.

We manufacture two type of densities depending on the protection level required for the crop. We may highlight 2,5×3 as well as 5×4.


    In addition to the previous comments, this fabric provides other advantages:

  • Protection against sunstroke, picking the appropiate colors.
  • Windbreak protection
  • Shading functions in comparison to shade nets when the main purpose is to achieve more tearing resistance.
  • Decrease of evapotranspiration.
  • Decrease of stressful situations for the crops.
  • Insulation of the crops to avoid cross pollination.


         ·         Providing shading rates below 35% to the crops in all those crop protection systems which require a higher mechanical resistance (Rabitahail2,5 x 3). Taking into consideration the color of the monofilament, as well as the thicknes of them.

        ·         Insulation against lepidoptera pests  such as Carpocapsa all around the perimeter área of anti/hail systems , for fruit orchards en zonas perimetrales de instalaciones antigranizo de frutales (Rabitahail 5×4).

       ·         Windbreak barriers in strongly windy areas (Rabitahail 5×4).


High density poliethilene  (HDPE)


  • Crystal, white,green, black or greys.

For other colors, please ask the Sales Department.


High technical resistance, containing different types of reinforcements displayed in a special position depending on the type of crop protection system.

UV Stability

720 Klys


Standard roll from 1 to 5 meters


Standard lengths from 300 to 500 meters… (Higher lengths under request)

Other searching terms

Malla antigranizo, malla antipiedra, anti-hail net, hagelnet, rete antigrandine, leno fabric, etc.

 Anti-Insect Nets

Mosquitera / Cortavientos

Malla Mosquitera

Rabitainsect 9×6 Negro

Malla Mosquitera

Rabitainsect 9×6 Blanco

Malla Mosquitera

Rabitainsect 9×6 Verde

Malla Mosquitera

Rabitainsect 9×6 Blanco

Malla Mosquitera

Rabitainsect 6×6 Blanco

Malla Mosquitera

Rabitainsect 6×6 Bicolor

Malla Mosquitera

Rabitainsect 6×6 Bicolor

Malla Mosquitera

Rabitainsect 6×6 Verde

Product description

It is a technical fabric whose main aim is to provide protection for the crops against the insects.

We have at your disposal a wide range of different pore sizes based on the density. We  have a wide range of different densities depending on the type of insect we would like to control. Therefore, the pore size would be different depending on the insultion level we desire for our  crops.

    • Rabitainsect 6 x 6
    • Rabitainsect 9 x 6
    • Rabitainsect 6 x 11
    • Rabitainsect 10 x 8
    • Rabitainsect 10 x 10



Insect  protection it is not the only purpose ot this type of fabric. We could highlight many others:


  • Protection against sunstroke, picking the appropiate colors.
  • Windbreak protection
  • Shading functions in comparison to shade nets when the main purpose is to achieve more tearing resistance.
  • Decrease of evapotranspiration.
  • Decrease of stressful situations for the crops.
  • Insulation of the crops to avoid cross pollination.
Raw Material

High Density Poliethilene (HDPE)

  • Crystal, white,green, black or greys.

For other colors, please ask the Sales Department.

Special Features

Fight against “Drosophila suzukii”

UV Stability

720 Klys

Width and Lengths
  • WIDTH: Standard rolls 3,4 and 5 meters wide.
  • LENGTHS: 100m, 150m… (Higher lengths under request)
Other formats

Possible availability to tailor wider rolls over 5 meters, by using an overlock machine supplied with 3 uv stabilized monofilament rolls(UV stability> 720 Kly)

Other Searching Terms

Malla mosquitera, malla cortavientos, 9×6, 6×6, 8×10, 10×10,9×11.

 Anti Thrips Nets

Antiafidos / Antiáfida sarga / Twill net

Malla AntiTrips


Malla AntiTrips


Malla AntiTrips


Malla Mosquitera

6×9 blanca

Malla AntiTrips


Malla AntiTrips


Malla AntiTrips


Malla AntiTrips


Malla AntiTrips


Malla AntiTrips

Rabitainsectproof Sarga

Product Descripción

It is the agrotextil mainly used to provide insulation to the different horticultural cropsEs el agrotextil .

It is a technical fabric used to provide a full covering system for nethouses. Likewise, it can be used to be positioned on the sidewalls, front sides and cenital windows of high tech greenhouses. In addition to this it admits its usage in darker colors to provide heavy duty shading systems in coparison the the usual shading net.

We have at your disposal three different type of densities, depending on the insulation level we require for the specific crop. Depending on the weather conditions of the local area we would pick for the nethouse or the greenhouse certain density; from 40 to 65 mesh, including 50 mesh of course.. The pore size will be crucial.


  • Reference products:
    • Rabitainsectproof 16 X 10
    • Rabitainsectproof 22 X 10
    • Rabitainsectproof Sarga

Insect  protection it is not the only purpose ot this type of fabric. We could highlight many others:


  • Protection against sunstroke, picking the appropiate colors.
  • Windbreak protection
  • Shading functions in comparison to shade nets when the main purpose is to achieve more tearing resistance.
  • Decrease of evapotranspiration.
  • Decrease of stressful situations for the crops.
  • Insulation of the crops to avoid cross pollination.
Raw Material

High Density Poliethilene (HDPE)

  • Crystal, white,green, black or greys.

For other colors, please ask the Sales Department.

Special Features

High Uniformity to provide insulation

Resistencia UV

720 Klys

Widths and Lengths
  • WIDTHS: Standard rolls from 1 to 5,20 meters.
  • LENGTHS: 100m, 150m… (Higher lengths under request)
Other formats

Possible availability to tailor wider rolls over 5 meters, by using an overlock machine supplied with 3 uv stabilized monofilament rolls(UV stability> 720 Kly)

Other searching terms

Malla antitrips, malla anti áfidos, malla 40 mesh, malla 50 mesh, malla 65 mesh , malla antiáfida sarga, twill net.

 Windbreak Nets

Defensa frente al viento / Antiviento / Barreras contra el viento

Malla Mosquitera


Malla Mosquitera


Product Descriptions

It is a type of agriculture fabric commonly used as a crop barrier, either in an open fiedl or in perimeter áreas of a fruit orchard. It can be used as well to preserve other type of frames and crops in local areas with strongly windy conditions.

We have at your disposal three kind of netting , altough the most frequently used is the Rabitainsect 6 X6 Green, we we are located at the countryside, where the visual impact is lower.

Nowadays we are studying other possibilities so that we could compete against raschel monofilament nets, getting the same results, but reducing the weight per square meter, and of course without refusing to an appropriate tearing resistance.

Products reference
  • Rabitainsect 6 x 6
  • Rabitainsect 9 x 6
  • Rabitahail 5 x 4
Raw Material

High density poliethilene (HDPE)


Crystal, white,green, black or greys.

For other colors, please ask the Sales Department

Special Features

Windbreak effect from 20% (Reducción aproximada de la incidencia del viento en un 20% (under laboratory test conditions).

UV Stability

720 Klys

  • WIDTHS: Common widths from 3 to 5 meters.
  • LENGTHS: 100m, 150m… (Higher lengths under request)
Other formats
Other searching Terms

Malla cortavientos, malla de defensa frente al viento, malla antiviento, barreras contra el viento.

Groundcover Nets

Antihierba / Cubrepisos / Groundcover 

Malla CubreSuelos

100g Verde

Malla CubreSuelos


Product description:

It is an agricultural fabric made up with polypropylene tapes knitted. It allows its usage in an appropiate way in many different  agriculture applications such as arboriculture and horticulture. We have at your disposal two different weights:  100 g/sqm y 130 g/sqm.


    • Rabitagroundcover 100 Grs.
    • Rabitagroundcover 130 Grs.

This agriculture fabrica has several properties:

  • Weeds control
  • Decrease of evapotranspiration
  • Permeability against rainfalls.
  • Fight against erosion.
  • Reflective properties for the White color in fruit orchards.


  • Usage for other activities such as gardening and landscaping.
Raw Material

Polypropylene (PP)


Black, White, Green, Bicoloured (Black and White)

Special Features

High resistance and durability

UV Stability

700 Klys


Standard rolls  are  1,05-2,10- 3,30-4,20 y 5,25 meters wide.

Other formats

Possible availability to tailor wider rolls over 5,25 meters, by using an overlock machine supplied with 3 uv stabilized monofilament rolls(UV stability> 720 Kly)

Other searching terms

Malla cubresuelos, malla antihierba, malla cubrepisos, groundcover, polifibril

Mixta Nets

Mixed net / Polytunnel covering nets / Cobertura de macrotúneles

Product Description

It is some special kind of fabric used as a covering system of greenhouses, mainly in local áreas with light weather conditions. The purpose is the increase of temperaturas inside the greenhouse without refusing to transpiration. The reason to reach this goal is due to the combination of anti insect nets with cristal HDPE tapes. That is why we call this net “Mixed Net”.

We could use as well this fabric as a covering system for polytunnels in local áreas either with light winters or with soft summers.

Lately it is starting to be used to cover strawberry orchards, and its possible usage to cover mangos constitutes a good alternative chance por this fabric.


    • Rabitainsectproof Mixta

But protection against insects is not the only one, and the following may be highlighted:

  • Protection against the sun (20% shading)
  • Increase of temperatures inside the “Canary Island” type greenhouse during the day, as well as inside the polytunnels.
  • Higher durability than strecht films used to cover polytunnels or other type of frame.
  • Windbreak effect.
  • Decrease of evapotranspiration
Raw Material

High density Poliethilene (HDPE)



It not considered other type of color, but you may make enquiries to the Sales Department .

Special Features

It is a combination between monofilament and rafia so that it increases its mechanical resistance in comparison

Resistencia UV

720 Klys


Standar rolls 3 meters

Other Formats

Possible availability to tailor wider rolls over 5 meters, by using an overlock machine supplied with 3 uv stabilized monofilament rolls(UV stability 720 Kly . Easily adaptable to to the length of the archs of polytunnels.

Other Searching Terms

Malla mixta, mixed net, polytunnel covering nets. Cobertura de macrotúneles.

Shading Nets

Sombraje / Sarán / Shading nets / Shade net

Malla Sombreo

85% vrosc

Malla Sombreo

85% vr01

Malla Sombreo

85% vr

Malla Sombreo

85% ng

Malla Sombreo

85% mr

Malla Sombreo

85% bc

Malla Sombreo

85% Azul

Malla Sombreo


Malla Sombreo

60% ng

Malla Sombreo

60% Negro

Malla Sombreo


Malla Sombreo

45% Plata

Malla Sombreo

45% pl

Malla Sombreo

45% pl

Malla Sombreo

45% ng

Malla Sombreo

35% vr

Product Description

It is a fabric ideally designed to provide shading to all the different horticulture crops, as well as for ornamental plants in garden centers or nurseries. This fabric is made up with HDPE monofilament in the warp and HDPE raffia tape on the weft.

It is very common as a covering fabric to grow berries in polytunnels, as well as to preserve plants in nurseries. It allows the possibility to be installed as an indoors screen for greenhouses with not very exigent weather conditions.

We have in our portfolio three different densities from the point of view of the construction of the fabric: 45%, 65% and 85%.

Depending on the color of the raffia tape used for the weaving of this fabric, it will provide more or less shading.

For holticulture it is more common the usage of 45% shading net. On the other hand is more common the usage of 65% for ornamental plants.



  • Rabitashade 45%
  • Rabitashade 65%
  • Rabitashade 85%
  • Protection against sunstroke, picking the appropiate colors.
  • Windbreak protection
  • Decrease of evapotranspiration.
  • Decrease of stressful situations for the crops.
  • Insulation of the crops to avoid cross pollination.
Raw Material

High density poliethilene (HDPE)


White, Green, Black, Dark Green, Silver, Brown.

For other colors, please ask the Sales Department.


Special reinforcements displayed proportionally troughout the entire width of the roll.

UV Stability

720 Klys

  • WIDTH: Standard rolls from 1 to 5 meters.
  • LENGTHS: 100m, 150m… (Other lengths under request).
Other Formats

Possible availability to tailor wider rolls, over 5 meters, by using an overlock machine supplied with 3 uv stabilized monofilament rolls(UV stability> 720 Kly). Possibility to tailor pieces  5,50 meters wide so that this product could fit to automatic screens of Hight Tech greenhouses.

Other Seatching Terms

Malla de sombreo, malla de sombraje, sarán, shading nets, shade net, shade cloth, shading fabric. tejido de gasa de vuelta, Knitted fabric agricola.


Fardo de aceituna, reti per raccolta, borrassa, falling fruit harvesting net.

Malla Recolección

6×6 Blanco

Malla Recolección

6×6 Bicolor

Malla Recolección

6×6 Bicolor

Malla Recolección

6×6 Verde

Malla Recolección


Product Description


When the olive harvesting season approaches it becomes necessary the usage of Olive Harvesting nets.(traditional way). The origin of RABITA AGROTEXTIL comes from the design, manufacturing and tailoring of olive harvesting nets.



  • Rabitashade 45%
  • Rabitashade 65%
  • Rabitashade 85%


  • Traditional olives harvesting system,  either for table olives or olives whose final destination is a mil.
  • Harvesting nets tailored with strong sewing unions to ease the harvesting process.
  • This type of net is used as well to harvest almonds, nuts and chestnuts among others.
  • Positioning on the floor for natural drying processes underneath the sun for fruits such as plums, apricots, figs and tomatoes among others.
  • It constitutes a system to arrange sundrying for grapes Pedro Ximenez. It is a previous step to produce sweet wine made up with the variety Pedro Ximenez.
  • Possibility to use burla or pieces of sack cloth to e ase the loading and downloading of oil olive.
  • Certain companies have higher requirements to avoid the contact of the olives with the ground. Therefore, they use harvesting nets with a higher (Rabitainsectproof 22 x 10).
Raw Material

High density poliethilene (HDPE)


White, Green, Black, Dark Green, Silver, Brown.

For other colors, please ask the Sales Department.


Special reinforcements displayed proportionally troughout the entire width of the roll.

UV Stability

720 Klys

  • WIDTH: Standard rolls from 1 to 5 meters.
  • LENGTHS: 100m, 150m… (Other lengths under request).
Other Formats

Possibility of delivery of jumbo rolls. Tailoring of a wide range of different sizes; folded and strapped properly..We have at your disposal another type of harvesting net with a lower density so that it avoids the accumulation of mud. Then the harvesting net will not be heavier than necessary.

Other Seatching Terms

Malla aceitunera, mantos de aceituna, fardos de aceitunas, esteros de pasificación de uva, reti per raccolta,borrassa, harvesting net, falling fruit harvesting net.

How can we help you?

Contact Information

P.I. Retamar, Calle Vial E, 15, 23680 Alcalá la Real, Jaén, España

Phone: +34 953 587 508

Fax: +34 953 584 954




Hours:    9:00h – 14:00h

 M – F      16:00h – 19:00h